职务 -
肖军,男,博士/临床博士后,副主任医师/硕士生导师/本科生导师,美国哈佛大学医学院--丹娜法伯癌症研究中心访问学者,福建省引进高层次人才和青年专业人才,福建省肿瘤医院优秀青年人才。担任多个国内SCI外期刊杂志Traditional Medicine Research、《中国热带医学》杂志、iMeta杂志青年编委及审稿人。Front Pharmacol、Biomed Res Int、Cancer Manag Res、Cancer Med、Exp Mol Pathol、World J Gastroenterol、Journal of Biological Chemistry等特约审稿人。熟练掌握生物信息R语言、Python等生物编程技术。能够多维度、多模态、个性化深入分析生物过程及相关机制分析。主持及参与省厅级课题7项,并参与发表SCI论文20余篇,获聘10多个SCI期刊审稿专家及青年编委,参编专著3部,临床新型实用型专利1项,多次获在世界级学术大会获奖。
1.lncRNA HOTAIR靶向活化CXCR4并与Wnt/β-catenin通路相互作用调节促进胃癌的增殖和转移,2019J05139
4.miR-141协同IncRNA HOTAIR协调胃癌肿瘤干性的机制研究,2019J01200
7.Lnc-RNA PCAT-1在胃腺癌组织和循环血中的表达及临床应用研究,2017XQ1219
1.Jun Xiao,Lingyan Zheng,Jingfeng Liu. Comprehensive Analysis of the Aberrance and Functional Significance of Ferroptosis in Gastric Cancer.Front Pharmacol. 2022 Jul 12;13:919490. doi: 10.3389/fphar.2022.919490.
2.Cheng Wei,Minzhe Li,Shaofeng Lin,Jun Xiao*.Characterization of Tumor Mutation Burden-Based Gene Signature and Molecular Subtypes to Assist Precision Treatment in Gastric Cancer.Biomed Res Int. 2022 May 13;2022:4006507
3.Jia J, Li MZ, Teng WH, Wang L, Zang WD,Xiao J*, Chen Y*. Prognostic Significance of Preoperative Serum Carcinoembryonic Antigen Varies with Lymph Node Metastasis Status in Colorectal Cancer.Journal of Oncology, Volume 2021, Article ID 4487988.
4.Wang L#,Xiao J#, Li MZ, Teng WH, Jia J, Lin L, et al. Performance of a Nomogram Based on the Integration of Inflammation Markers with Tumor Staging in Prognosis Prediction of Stage III Colorectal Cancer.Cancer Manag Res,2020, 12: 7077-7085.
5.Xiao J, Lai H, Wei SH, Ye ZS, Gong FS, Chen LC. HOTAIR promotes gastric cancer proliferation and metastasis via targeting miR-126 to active CXCR4 and RhoA signaling pathway.Cancer Med, 2019, 8(15): 6768-6779.
6.Zhou Y, Zhong JH, Gong FS,Xiao J*. MiR-141-3p suppresses gastric cancer induced transition of normal fibroblast and BMSC to cancer-associated fibroblasts via targeting STAT4.Exp Mol Pathol, 2019, 107: 85-94.
7.Xiao J, Teng WH, Liu S, Wei C, Liu WJ, Chen S, Zang WD. Short-course radiotherapy with delayed surgery versus conventional chemoradiotherapy: comparison of short-term outcomes in patients with T3-4 rectal cancer.Int J Clin Exp Med. 2018;11(11):12149-12156.
8.Xiao J, Ye ZS, Wei SH, Zeng Y, Lin ZM, Wang Y, et al. Prognostic significance of pretreatment serum carcinoembryonic antigen levels in gastric cancer with pathological lymph node-negative: A large sample single-center retrospective study.World J Gastroenterol, 2017, 23(48): 8562-8569.
9.Xiao J, Li GJ, Lin SH, He K, Lai H, Mo X, Chen JS, Lin Y. Prognostic factors of hepatocellular carcinoma patients treated by transarterial chemoembolization.Int J Clin Exp Pathol2014;7(3):1114-1123.
10.Xiao J, Zhou YC, Lai H, Lei S, Lisa H. Chi, Mo X. Transcription Factor NF-Y Is a Functional Regulator of the Transcription of Core Clock Gene Bmal.Journal of Biological Chemistry, 2013, 288(44):31930–31936.