职称 主任医师
职务 放疗科党总支部书记、头颈放疗科主任
研究方向 智能信息处理
电子邮件 sfqiu@126.com
邱素芳,主任医师、肿瘤学博士、教授、博士研究生导师、福建省高层次人才(C类)、福建省卫生健康突出贡献中青年专家、国家肿瘤放射治疗临床重点学科、省肿瘤转化医学重点实验室成员等。本科、硕士及博士毕业于福建医科大学。先后在法国巴黎亨利·孟德尔医院放疗科及北京大学肿瘤医院放疗科担任访问学者。专业从事头颈部恶性肿瘤的放射治疗、三维适形调强放疗、TOMO放疗以及化疗、生物免疫靶向等综合治疗及相关基础和临床研究。现为多个国际学术期刊的审稿专家、国自然科学基金函审专家以及国际多家学术期刊的审稿专家。兼任第八届中华医学会放疗肿瘤学分会青委会副主任委员、中国抗癌协会肿瘤标志专业委员会鼻咽癌标志物专家委员会副主任委员、中国抗癌协会放射医学专业委员会常务委员、中国抗癌协会鼻咽癌专业委员会委员、中国临床肿瘤学会头颈肿瘤专委会委员、福建省医学会放射肿瘤学分会副主委兼头颈学组组长、放射生物学组副组长、福建省抗癌协会第四届放射肿瘤专业委员会常委、福建省抗癌协会第一届头颈肿瘤专业委员会副主任委员、福建省基层卫生协会基层肿瘤专委会副主任委员兼头颈学组组长等。长期从事鼻咽癌相关基础研究与临床工作,发表国内外学术论文70余篇,其中SCI 50余篇,一区8篇,最高影响因子11.55(中科院1区Top期刊Theranostics),累积科研经费1000余万元,作为多项国内外多中心临床研究PI。
1. Lin W, Xu Y, Chen X, Liu J, Weng Y, Zhuang Q, Lin F, Huang Z, Wu S, Ding J, Chen L, Qiu X, Zhang L, Wu J, Lin D, andQiu S. Radiation-induced small extracellular vesicles as "carriages" promote tumor antigen release and trigger antitumor immunity, Theranostics, 2020.
2. Wu A, Ding Q, Lin W, Weng Y, Feng S, Chen R, Chen C,Qiu S, and Lin D. Profiling of Tumor Cell-Delivered Exosome by Surface Enhanced Raman Spectroscopy-Based Biosensor for Evaluation of Nasopharyngeal Cancer Radioresistance, Advanced Healthcare Materials, 2022.
3. Chen X, Ding Q, Lin T, Sun Y, Huang Z, Li Y, Hong W, Chen X, Wang D, andQiu S. An Immune-related Prognostic Model Predicts Neoplasm-Immunity Interactions for Metastatic Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma, Frontiers in Immunology, 2023.
4. Li Y, Weng Y, Huang Z, Pan Y, Cai S, Ding Q, Wu Z, Chen X, Lu J, Hu D, andQiu S. Prognostic model on overall survival in elderly nasopharyngeal carcinoma patients: a recursive partitioning analysis identifying pre-treatment risk stratification, Radiation Oncology, 2023.
5. Li Y, Liu W, Xu Y, Guo LY, Weng YL, Huang ZW, Chen XC, Lin T, Lu J, andQiu SF. Impact of radiotherapy combined with chemotherapy on long-term outcomes of patients with recurrent nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Technology in Cancer Research & Treatment, 2023.
6. Ding Q, Chen X, Hong W, Wang L, Liu W, Cai S, Chen X, Lu J, andQiu S. The prognostic role of cuproptosis in head and neck squamous cell carcinoma patients: A comprehensive analysis, Disease Markers, 2022.
7. Chen X, Weng Y, Li Y, Fu W, Huang Z, Pan Y, Hong W, Lin W, Lin X, andQiu S. Upregulation of PNCK promotes metastasis and angiogenesis via activating NF-κB/VEGF pathway in nasopharyngeal carcinoma, Journal of Oncology, 2022.
8. Li Y, Weng Y, Pan Y, Huang Z, Chen X, Hong W, Lin T, Wang L, Liu W, andQiu S. A novel prognostic signature based on metabolism-related genes to predict survival and guide personalized treatment for head and neck squamous carcinoma, Front Oncol, 2021.
9. Chen X, Li C, Li Y, Wu S, Liu W, Lin T, Li M, Weng Y, Lin W, andQiu S. Characterization of METTL7B to evaluate TME and predict prognosis by integrative analysis of multi-omics data in glioma, Front Mol Biosci, 2021.
10. Huang Z, Li Y, Hong W, Chen X, Pan Y, Weng Y, Liu W, Wang L, andQiu S. Identification of a ferroptosis-associated gene signature and the related therapeutic targets in head and neck squamous carcinoma, Int Immunopharmacol, 2022.
11. Lin W, Wu S, Chen X, Ye Y, Weng Y, Pan Y, Chen Z, Chen L, Qiu X, andQiu S. Characterization of hypoxia signature to evaluate the tumor immune microenvironment and predict prognosis in glioma groups, Front Oncol, 2020.
12. Lin W, Huang Z, Xu Y, Chen X, Chen T, Ye Y, Ding J, Chen Z, Chen L, Qiu X, andQiu S. A three-lncRNA signature predicts clinical outcomes in low-grade glioma patients after radiotherapy, Aging (Albany NY), 2020.
13. Lin W, Chen X, Chen T, Liu J, Ye Y, Chen L, Qiu X, Chia-Hsien Cheng J, Zhang L, Wu J, andQiu S. C1QTNF6 as a novel diagnostic and prognostic biomarker for clear cell renal cell carcinoma, DNA Cell Biol, 2020.
14.Qiu S, Weng Y, Li Y, Chen Y, Pan Y, Liu J, Lin W, Chen X, Li M, Lin T, Liu W, Zhang L, and Lin D. Raman profile alterations of irradiated human nasopharyngeal cancer cells detected with laser tweezer Raman spectroscopy, RSC Advances, 2020.
15. Qiu S, Li M, Liu J, Chen X, Lin T, Xu Y, Chen Y, Weng Y, Pan Y, Feng S, Lin X, Zhang L, and Lin D. Study on the chemodrug-induced effect in nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells using laser tweezer Raman spectroscopy, Biomed Opt Express, 2020.
16. Lin X, Wu Q, Lin J, Liu X, Jia X, Peng M, Lin D,Qiu S, and Feng S. Label-free liquid biopsy based on urine analysis using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy for noninvasive gastric and breast cancer detection, Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, 2020.
17. Wu Q,Qiu S, Yu Y, Chen W, Lin H, Lin D, Feng S, and Chen R. Assessment of the radiotherapy effect for nasopharyngeal cancer using plasma surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy technology, Biomed Opt Express, 2018.
18. Lin D,Qiu S, Huang W, Pan J, Xu Z, Chen R, Feng S, Chen G, Li Y, Short M, Zhao J, Fawzy Y, and Zeng H. Autofluorescence and white light imaging-guided endoscopic Raman and diffuse reflectance spectroscopy for in vivo nasopharyngeal cancer detection, J Biophotonics, 2018.
19. Pan J, Chen X, Yang L, Song Y, Liu J, Li L, Lin Y, Tang L,Qiu S, and Xu Q. A comprehensive analysis of prognostic indicators in serous ovarian cancer based on leukocyte migration and immune microenvironment, Frontiers in Bioscience-Landmark, 2023.
20. Wu Q, Ding Q, Lin W, Weng Y, Feng S, Chen R, Chen C,Qiu S, and Lin D. Profiling of tumor cell-delivered exosome by surface enhanced Raman spectroscopy-based biosensor for evaluation of nasopharyngeal cancer radioresistance, Adv Healthc Mater, 2022.
21. Weng S, Lin D, Lai S, Tao H, Chen T, Peng M,Qiu S, and Feng S. Highly sensitive and reliable detection of microRNA for clinically disease surveillance using SERS biosensor integrated with catalytic hairpin assembly amplification technology, Biosens Bioelectron, 2022.
22. Lin D, Yang SW, Hsieh CL, Hsu KJ, Gong T, Wu Q,Qiu S, Feng S, and Kong K. Tandem quantification of multiple carbohydrates in saliva using surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy, ACS Sens, 2021.