职称 主任医师
职务 放疗科15区行政副主任
研究方向 食管癌放疗的基础与临床研究
联系电话 13705063367
邮箱 drchenmingqiu@163.com
陈明秋,男,留美医学博士,福建医科大学肿瘤临床学院、福建省肿瘤医院主任医师,福建医科大学副教授,福建医科大学、福州大学学术型/专业型硕士研究生导师,BMC Cancer、Radiation Oncology、Aging、Cellular Oncology、Disease of esophageal等杂志特约审稿专家。主要研究食管癌放射治疗,包括食管癌放射与免疫治疗的临床与基础、食管癌放射治疗的表观遗传及生物信息学、食管癌放射治疗预后与预测模型、食管癌人工智能放射治疗等。
1. Chen M, Liu P, Chen Z, Shen M, Liu X, Li X, Li A, Lin Y, Yang R, Ni W:Long noncoding RNA FAM201A mediates the radiosensitivity of esophageal squamous cell cancer by regulating ATM and mTOR expression via miR-101.Frontiers in genetics2018,9:611.
2. Chen M, Shen M, Lin Y, Liu P, Liu X, Li X, Li A, Yang R, Ni W, Zhou Xet al:Adjuvant chemotherapy does not benefit patients with esophageal squamous cell carcinoma treated with definitive chemoradiotherapy.Radiation Oncology2018,13(1).
3. Chen M, Li X, Chen Y, Liu P, Chen Z, Shen M, Liu X, Lin Y, Yang R, Ni Wet al:Proposed revision of the 8th edition AJCC clinical staging system for esophageal squamous cell cancer treated with definitive chemo-IMRT based on CT imaging.Radiation Oncology2019,14(1).
4. Chen M, Liu P, Chen Y, Chen Z, Shen M, Liu X, Li X, Lin Y, Yang R, Ni Wet al:Primary tumor regression patterns in esophageal squamous cell cancer treated with definitive chemoradiotherapy and implications for surveillance schemes.Cancer Management and Research2019,Volume 11:3361-3369.
5. Chen M, Liu X, Han C, Wang X, Zhao Y, Pang Q, Sun X, Li G, Zhang K, Li Let al:Does chemoradiotherapy benefit elderly patients with esophageal squamous cell cancer? A propensity-score matched analysis on multicenter data (3JECROG R-03A).BMC cancer2019(1471-2407 (Electronic)).
6. Su L, Chen M, Su H, Dai Y, Chen S, Li J:Postoperative chemoradiotherapy is superior to postoperative chemotherapy alone in squamous cell lung cancer patients with limited N2 lymph node metastasis.BMC cancer2019,19(1):1023.
7. Wu S, Wang J, Zhang W, Li J, Wu H, Huang Z, Zhou G, Pan J, Chen M:Analysis of Factors Affecting Brain Metastasis in Limited-Stage Small-Cell Lung Cancer Treated With Definitive Thoracic Irradiation.Frontiers in oncology2020,10:556634.
8. Zhou G, Zheng J, Chen Z, Hu D, Li S, Zhuang W, He Z, Lin G, Wu B, Zhang Wet al:Clinical significance of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes investigated using routine H&E slides in small cell lung cancer.Radiation oncology (London, England)2022,17(1):127.